Run a process with files via Call API
At the bottom of this article you'll be able to find:
- import file containing this ready to use, use-case.
- following the import, credentials will need to be configured.
In order to run a process that uses files as input, 3 API Calls must be set up: Publish Flow, Upload File, and Launch Flow.
Step 1: Create a process that requires a file input with a file variable called inputFile.
Step 2: Then create a new process that will run the first process:
[I] file: A file type variable that contains the file for the procees that needs to be started.
[I] workspace id : The workspace Id of the workspace where the process that needs to be started is.
[I] inputFile : The same type of variable and name with the one from the first process.
[I] API key: The API key created in the workspace where the process that needs to be started is.
[I] flowTemplateId: A guid variable that stores the uid of the process you want to start.
[I] API key Value: The API key value created in the workspace where the process that needs to be started is.
[O] publishResultBody: Json variable that stores the body output for the Publish Flow Call API.
[O] publishStatus: String variable that stores the status output for the Publish Flow Call API.
[O] fiIeID: Guid variable that stores the result of the Json Mapper Extract File Variable ID.
[O] uploadFileStatus: String variable that stores the Upload File Call API status.
[O] uploadFileRespone: Json variable that stores the body output for the Upload File Call API.
[O] Extraction: Json variable that stores the result for the Json Mapper - Map Extraction.
[O] error: String variable that stores the result for the Json Mapper - Map Error.
Step 3: In the Automation section - API keys - create a new key .
Step 4: Configure the first Call API action:
Key | Value |
workspaceId | the workspace id |
key | the API key |
value | the API key value |
- Workspace ID of the workspace where the process that needs to be started is.
- API key and Value from the workspace where the process that needs to be started is.
In the body send the file id and name.
In order to get the file id:
- Open the developer tools in your browser.
- Open the project you want to run.
- Open the Networking section
- Select the first response since you opened the process.
- By name identify the file that needs to be upload and copy the id:
Step 5: Configure the Json Mapper to extract the file id.
Input JSON: publishResultBody
Query: $.variables[?( == 'inputFile')]
Result: fileID
Input JSON: publishResultBody
Query: $.id
Result: flowInstanceId
Step 6: Configure the second Call API action.
Key | Value |
Fileid | fileId |
Flowtemplateid | flowTemplateId |
FlowInstanceId | flowInstanceId |
WorkspaceId | the id of the workspace |
key | the API key |
value | the API key value |
Variablename | inputFile |
Key: package Value
Value: file (the file type variable configured for the process that needs to be started.
Step 7: Configure the third Call API action.
Query Params:
Key | Value |
runSynchronous | true |
secondsTimeOut | 300 |
runSynchronous is required only if a response from the process is expected.
Key | Value |
key | API key |
value | API key value |
workspaceId | The workspace id |
{ "flowTemplateId": "<%flowTemplateId%>" }
Step 8: Configure the Json Mapper to get a variable value from the process.
Input JSON: launchResponse
Query: $.variable.Extraction
Result: Extraction
Step 9: Configure the Json Mapper to get the error variable from the process.
Input Json: launchResponse
Qury: $.variable.Error
Result : error
Import file: