Forms & Tasks Designer๐Ÿ†• ๐Ÿงจ



Welcome to the Forms & Tasks Designer in PROCESIO! With this tool, you can easily create great-looking web forms, collect information from users, and streamline your processes. This guide will walk you through the key features and functionalities of the Forms & Tasks Builder.

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Key Features of the Form Builder

1. Drag-and-Drop Interface

Our Form Designer features a visual, drag-and-drop interface. This makes it incredibly easy to add and arrange form elements such as text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more. You can design your forms just the way you want them.

2. Customization Options

You have the power to customize the appearance and behavior of your forms using CSS. This allows you to match the look and feel of your forms to your branding or design preferences.

3. Field Validation

Form validation rules can be set up to ensure that the data entered by users meets specific criteria. For example, you can require certain fields to be required before the form can be submitted.

4. Task Assignees

You can assign specific users to a form. These assignees can be responsible for different parts of the form or specific actions within the form.

Task Assignees are a key part of form-based workflows.

5. Approvals

Approvers play a role in the approval processes associated with forms. They review and approve submissions based on predefined criteria.

6. Trigger Processes with events

With the Form Builder, you can trigger processes based on user interactions with the form. This enables automation and integration with other parts of your workflow.

7. Receive data from process

Forms can receive data from a process, allowing for dynamic interactions and data population within the form.

8. Add default values dynamically to fields directly in the URL before shaing

By adding the name of the control and the value in the form URL, dynamic default values can be set:


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Form types:

Based on user actions, there are 2 types:

  • General Forms: These forms are designed for data entry and submission only.
  • User Task Forms: These forms require specific user actions, such as Task Assignees and Approvers.

Based on accessibility, there are 2 types:

  • Public Forms: These forms can be accessed by respondents who are not part of the workspace by following the form's URL. They do not support Task Assignees or Approvers.
  • Private Forms: These forms can be accessed by respondents who are part of the organization's workspace by following the form URL. They support Task Assignees and Approvers.


Available User Roles & Permissions

The roles and permissions for forms are determined by the workspace where the forms are built. Here are the available roles:

Anonymous Respondent

  • Users who are not part of the workspace can access public general forms by following the form's URL.
  • They can submit responses to the form but cannot access the Form Builder to edit or view the form.

Member (users with Member role in the Workspace)

  • Edit (Design-time): Members can create, edit, and share forms. They can also add approvers and assignees during form design.
  • View (Runtime): Members can view only the forms they created and forms assigned to them in the "Assigned to me" section.

Admin (users with Admin/Owner role in the Workspace)

  • Edit (Design-time): Similar to members, admins can create, edit, and share forms. They can also add approvers and assignees during form design.
  • View (Runtime): Admins can view all forms created by all users in the workspace, as well as forms assigned to them in "Assigned to me."
  • Edit (Runtime): Admins have the ability to edit and update data submitted by respondents on the form.

Forms & Tasks is a new section in the PROCESIO main navigation, which includes:

  • Form Designer (form builder)
  • Assigned to Me (forms requiring your action: submission/approval)

During the Beta phase, the Forms&Tasks Designer is available for use at no cost. Post-Beta, usage will be measured and billed based on execution time, similar to action executions. To help you better understand how the processing time will be calculated, and how many forms submission you can have with 1h of processing time/month, we prepared this list: - the Average Processing Time for a Form Submission in PROCESIO is -> 100ms (similar to Average Processing Time for an Action). - this is calculated based on tests with light and complex forms. So, with 1h of Processing Time you can get an average of 36.000 Forms Submissions (not including the Processing Time of the processes triggered by the forms).


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Updated 12 Jan 2024
Doc contributor
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