Assigned to me
The assigned to me section displays the currently assigned and completed forms tasks for the user. For more information regarding task check Task Assignees and Approvals.
This area is designed for team members to claim ownership of tasks they are responsible for. Assigning tasks helps streamline project management, ensures clear accountability, and fosters collaboration within the team.
Check Task Details:
Tasks are displayed in the Open tab:

Collaborate with the Team:
- If a task requires collaboration, communicate with relevant team members to coordinate efforts.
Complete Tasks:
- From the "Open" tasks section click on "Review" to view and complete a task. Once that is done, the task moves in the completed section.
Clear Accountability: Assigning tasks helps clarify who is responsible for each aspect of the project, reducing confusion and promoting accountability.
Efficient Workflow: Team members can focus on tasks they are responsible for, streamlining the workflow and improving overall project efficiency.
Improved Communication: Assigning tasks facilitates communication by providing a clear point of contact for each task. Team members know who to reach out to for updates or collaboration.
By using the "Assign to Me" section effectively, we can ensure a smooth and organized workflow. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to the project manager or the relevant team members.
For support, please join our Discord community for further assistance and support.