Release notes



API Keys

You can use an API key to access PROCESIO API to perform a wide range of authenticated operations. You can run a process, add, update, delete processes & access process related resources directly through the API. 


The PROCESIO SDK makes it easier to interact with the PROCESIO API from your application. Depending on the technology you are using we provided two ways for accessing your processes:

  1. PROCESIO SDK built with TypeScript 
  2. PROCESIO SDK built with C#

Platform Actions:

Delay Action

Delay action suspends the execution of the process before continuing with the execution of the next action. 

Map Process Data

Use Map Process Data action to assign (map) value to a process variable.

You can use Map Process Data to either give values to your process variable or to change the value of the process variable.

Numerical Actions

The Numerical Action folder contains actions that can be used while working with numbers. Operators such as Add, Subtract, Divide, Modulo operations are included in this folder.

String Actions

The Strings Action folder contains actions that can be used while working with strings Actions such as:StringTrim, String To Upper, String Starts With, String Join, String NullOrEmpty are included in this folder.

List Actions

The Lists Action folder contains actions that can be used while working with lists. Actions such as: List Add, List Contains, List remove, List Sort are included in this folder.

Date Time Actions

The DateTime folder contains actions that can be used while working with dates. Actions such as: Week Number, Today, Is Weekend can be found in this folder:

Converters action

The Converters folder contains actions that can be used while working with data that needs to converted.