The Concatenate action allows you to create a list by merging the data of two other lists.
Concatenate was previously called Concatenate Lists.
As a PROCESIO user, I want to have an action that concatenates 2 lists (the lists can be simple or DM). The action outputs a new list containing values from both input lists.
The example requires a process with just the Concatenate action with the following configuration.
Step 1. Create a new process and give it a name.
Step 2. Drag the Concatenate action to the canvas and link it to the other actions.
Step 3. Add the needed variables.
Step 4. Click the Concatenate action to access its configurations and add the variables as follows.
Step 5. Save and Validate the process.
Step 6. Run the process.
Step 7. Click Check instance to see the results in the output section.