
Decisional Further Reading


Here's a list of things that you probably didn't know you can do with the Decisional action.

Setting a condition evaluation order

If multiple conditions are evaluated as True when a Decisional action is reached, the flow of execution will continue only on the first condition's branch.

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To choose which condition should be evaluated first, you can reorder conditions in the configuration.

Organizing cases for better visualization

Sometimes you might implement complex business logic using the Decisional and all those branches might overlap and turn into something that is hard to explain visually.

When this happens, you can:

  • Use a few Join actions to clear up the flow overlaps and make it more readable.
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  • Use an ordered staircase-like arrangement for the cases to improve the appearance
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Creating a Do While logic

If your use case requires some logic to be executed at least once before checking for a stopping condition then a Do While sequence might be something you would find useful.

You only need a Decisional and a Join to implement such logic in PROCESIO.

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You can also skip the extra Join action but it's less pretty like this.

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Updated 31 Aug 2023
Doc contributor
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