
Get Day Of Week


This action returns the index of the day of the week for a DateTime.

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Inputs & Outputs

  • [ I ] Date: DateTime to get the index of the day of the week for.
  • [ I ] Numbering: Drop-down for day indexing configuration.
    • Week begins on Sunday(1) and ends on Saturday(7)
    • Week begins on Monday(1) and ends on Sunday(7)
    • Week begins on Monday(0) and ends on Sunday(6)
  • [ O ] Day number: Integer equal to the index of the day of the week.
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Example Usage

  • Drag action onto canvas to get familiarized with it.
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  • Declare some variables to be used with the action.
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  • Assign the newly created variables.
  • Save & Run the process and then Check Instance to see the output.
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Use Cases

  • Determining the day of the week for a given date.


  • To check if a date is on a weekday, consider using Is Weekday.
  • To check if a date is on a weekend, consider using Is Weekend.