Read File


Use this action to read a Json file and transform it into a JSON object in PROCESIO. Like this, you can further use the JSON data from the file in a process, in action configurations, transformations etc.

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Read File action was previously called Read Json File.

How to configure the Read Json file action?

1. Create a process and give it a name.

2. Drag the Read Json file action to the canvas and link it to the other actions.

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3. Create the variables needed for the configuration of the action, and then add them to the configuration panel:

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2. Save, Validate and Run the process.

3. The process will ask for input file (.json file).

4. Click Run.

5. Click Check Instance to view the results (json data is now available in a process variable that can be used in the process, configuring actions etc).

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Updated 16 Feb 2024
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