
List Correlation


This action computes the correlation coefficient, which measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two lists of continuous numerical data.

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The List Correlation action uses the Pearson Correlation Coefficient formula:

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Inputs & Outputs

  • [ I ] First list and Second list: Double (List) representing data points for calculating the correlation coefficien. Each list should contain the same number of data points, and the data points should be continuous numerical values.
  • [ O ] Correlation coefficient: Double (List) representing a single numerical value between -1 and +1 that represents the strength and direction of the linear relationship between the input lists.

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Example Usage

  • Drag the List Correlation action from the Community-Made folder to the canvas.

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  • Declare the variables to be used with the List Correlation action.

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  • Assign the newly created variables.
  • Save & Run the process and then Check Instance to see the output.

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Use Cases

  • List Correlation can be used to examine the correlation between income and education level, temperature and ice cream sales, customer satisfaction and repeat purchases etc.
