Use this action to search a string for a specified value and return a new string where the specified value(s) are replaced (ex. you have a text and you want to replace a specific word in the whole document).
Step 1. Create a process and give it a name.
Step 2. Drag the Replace action to the canvas and link it to the other actions.
Step 3. Create the variables needed for the configuration of the action, and then add them to the configuration panel:
Source string: you need to input a string variable which contains the text to be searched and modified
Search string: you need to input a string variable with the string which you want to be searched and replaced in the source string
Replacement string: you need to input a string variable with which the matched values will be replaced
Ignore case checkbox: Check to ignore case sensitivity for the used strings
Result: the output with the new string containing replacements
For example, if you have the Source string: "This is a cat" and you want to replace the word "cat" with "dog", you should configure the action like this:
Source string: This is a cat
Search string: cat
Replacement string: dog
Result: the result should be: "This is a dog"
Step 4. Save, Validate and Run the process.
Step 6. To verify the process click Check instance.
Step 7. In the Output section, you can see the updated string: