
Using the Document Designer to send customized emails.


The Document Designer is one of the coolest PROCESIO features to date. It allows creating custom document templates and parametrizing them with Process Variables.


Let's say you work for the sales department of a company. Your company will have a huge sale on Black Friday and you'd like to send emails to a few potential customers to inform them about the sale. You have a list of names, emails and PROCESIO at your disposal so, how do you do it?

We'll start by first building the template for the email and then the process that will send emails.

Building the document template

  • Let's go to the Document Designer and create a new Document Template.
Document image

  • We've already set up some HTML to use as background so we'll add it from the Code View.

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We'll define two variables that will be used in our template:

  • NameString as a placeholder for the customer's name.
  • SaleDateString as a placeholder for the date of the sale written in a custom format.
Document image

  • Now, it's time to fill in the actual content of the email.
Document image

The document template is now ready to be used in our process.

Building the process

First we define some variables:

  • PotentialCustomerListList<PotentialCustomer> where PotentialCustomer is a DM with
    • nameString representing the potential customer name.
    • emailString representing the potential customer email address.
  • BlackFridayDateDateTime variable with 24 November 2023 as default value.
  • FormatString variable with dddd, dd MMMM as default value.
  • FormattedDateString value containing BlackFridayDate in Format.
  • HTMLBodyString containing the email body generated using the document template.
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Then we build the actual flow:

  1. We format the Black Friday date using Format DateTime.
  2. We go over each potential customer in our list using For Each.
  3. We generate an email body for each customer using Generate Document.
  4. We send the generated HTML body in an email to each customer with Send Email.
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Time to run

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Action Pool