Forms & Tasks DesignerπŸ†• 🧨

Task Assignees and Approvals


Task Assignees

Task assignees are individuals or users assigned specific responsibilities (data entry and submission) within a form. They play a crucial role in the form's workflow by performing actions or providing input as part of the form completion process.

Within the Form Builder, Sections, Stepper steps, and Tabs are the only elements that allow you to assign specific users as Task Assignees.

  1. Assignment Process: Assigning task assignees is done during the form design phase. Form creators or administrators can specify who should be assigned to each role within the form.
  2. Visibility Rules: Task assignees often have exclusive access to specific sections or parts of the form. This means that they can see and interact with certain portions of the form, while other users may have a read-only view or no access to those sections.

Please keep in mind that only users who are part of your workspace will be displayed in the Task Assignee and Assignee replacement selection lists.

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You can efficiently manage tasks by adding multiple assignees, and you have the flexibility to reorder them using the drag-and-drop functionality.

It's important to note that once the first user submits the assigned task, it will be considered completed for all other Task Assignees.

Task assignees will receive email notifications when the form is in the step requiring their action.

Visibility Rules

You also have the ability to set visibility rules to determine which users can see a particular section within the form:

  • All: This option allows all users who open the form to view the section in a read-only mode. They cannot enter data but can view it for informational purposes.
  • Only Task Assignees: This option restricts access to users defined as Task Assignees for the section. Task Assignees are those users responsible for submitting data.
  • Custom: In this mode, you can add any user who should see the section in a read-only view. These users can view the section for informational purposes but cannot enter data. Task Assignees are automatically included in this category since they need to perform actions on the section, including data entry and submission.

"Preview As" ensures that you can verify how the form appears to different user roles.

Preview As: "Preview As" is a feature available for forms with assignees or approvers πŸ”œ. It allows you to view the form from the perspective of a specific assignee or approver πŸ”œ, simulating their experience.

Preview as is valuable when you want to ensure that each assignee or approver πŸ”œ sees the correct information and workflow within the form.

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User Experience:

  1. Task Assignment:
    • Task Assignees receive clear instructions on their responsibilities during the form design phase.
    • Form creators or administrators specify the roles for each Task Assignee.
  2. Multiple Assignees Management:
    • Efficiently manage tasks by adding multiple assignees to a form.
  3. Task Completion:
    • Once the first Task Assignee submits the assigned task, it is considered completed for all other assignees.
  4. Email Notifications:
    • Task assignees receive email notifications when the form progresses to the step requiring their action.

After a form is submitted, the approver will receive an email notification to review and approve/ reject the form submission. The approval taks are also displayed in the Assigned to me section for the approver.


For support, please join our Discord community for further assistance and support.

Updated 10 Jan 2024
Doc contributor
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