Upload File
The action allows you to upload a file up to 1GB to your FTP/ sFTP server.
For our example we used Rebex.
Step 1: Go to the Credentials Manager section and click Add New.
Step 2: Give your credential a Name* and Description (optional) and click Next step.
Step 3: Configure the FTP / sFTP connection as needed:
- Port number* - the port number used by the server.
- Protocol type - the protocol used depending on the encryption.
- Directory path - the entry point of the server.
- Authentication method - here you have the option to use a basic username and password authentication or a user key authentication.
Step 4: Click Test connection and if successful click Save.
Step 1: From the Process Designer section select Create new.
Step 2: Give you process a name.
Step 3: Drag the action Upload File on the canvas and link the action inside you process.
Step 4: Create the necessary variables.
- <%uploadFile%> - the File variable that will contain the file we will upload.
- <%success%> - the Boolean variable that will let us know if the upload was a success.
Step 5: Click the Upload File action to access its configurations.
- Node name* - gives you the option to change the actions name.
- Select ftp server* - here we will select the connection created in the previous section.
- Input file* - will contain the input file variable created in step 4.
- Target Folder* - the path of the location where the file will be uploaded.
- Result* - will hold the Boolean variable that will let us know if the upload was a success.
Step 6: Save, Validate and Run the process.
Updated 16 Feb 2024
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